Imagine a place where you are welcome just as you are - with everything that you are.
We have no expectations of how you should or should not be, you can be quiet or social with other guests - and you can play or contemplate.
Whatever you prefer you are are welcome here at Fyrregaarden.
The programme is an invitation. You Can do as much or as little as you want to participate in.
In this retreat we celebrate the spirit and the feeling of the holidays in its truest sense.
The Holidays for us is about being together, giving, feeling welcomed, being nourished, giving thanks and blessings.
The retreat has a spiritual content but is not tide up to any tradition or belief system. It is freed from religious dogma and traditions. It is an interpretation of what we believe is important this time of the year.
This is Our own time.
❤️ Monday 23rd Of December:
✨10-11 am check in to your room
✨11-12 am A warm welcome in the yogashala(Trine)
✨12.30-1.30 pm Lets slow down - Qi Gong (Louise)
✨2 pm Lunch
✨3 pm Sunset walk and talk to the beach - maybe a dip in the Ocean for the adventurous (Anders)
✨4-6 Heartwarming Sauna ritual -with scents and Music. (Sandra)
✨6.30 pm Dinner
✨8 pm Relaxing sounds in the yoga shala (Louise)
❤️ 24th of december
✨8.30 am coffee and tea
✨9-10.15 am Qi Gong - Moving Meditation (Louise)
✨10.30 am Brunch
✨12-14.30. Playful Fun Workshop (Marius)
✨3 pm. Afternoon snack salt and sweets.
✨4-7 pm. Relaxing time:
Table tennis/ Boardgames in the Fireplace room/ Woodfired Hot tub/ Or whatever your heart and body desires (Everybody)
✨7 pm. Celebration Dinner - with dessert off course.
✨9 pm. Pinetree ceremony in the woods at Fyrregaarden (Anders)
✨10 pm Free movement/ intuitive Dance in the yogashala (Everybody)
❤️ 25th of December
✨9-10.15 Qi Gong - Moving meditation (Louise)
✨10.30 am Brunch
✨11.30-12.30 pm Loving Farewell Ceremony (Trine)
NB Programme can be subject to changes.
Food will be mainly vegetarian or only vegetarian.
Alcohol is welcome in the evening in moderate intake.
Bring your own.
3-4 people room 2800 (to be booked together)
Double room 3000 dkk
Single room or small Wood cabin per prs. (space for 2) 3300 dkk
Private large wood cabin per prs.(space for 2) 3500 kr.
Do you struggle to make ends meet - we have a few spots available for a discount, where you can do volunteer work along the retreat.
*Everything is included in the price: room, food, yoga, sauna, hottub etc.
Your booking is binding. If you cant make it you are free to sell your ticket to somebody else.
Booking and questions:
Questions: +45 20205888.
Trine ejer Fyrregaarden. Hun elsker naturen, god mad og at samle mennesker. Hun brænder for at være den inspirerende vært og give mennesker mulighed for at samles (måske omkring et bål) i aftenskumringen til en snak om, hvordan vi kan nærværende i de ting vi foretager os og følge vores eget hjerte.
Skabelsen af Fyrregaarden er Trines passion og livsformål.
Og så taler hun med træer..
Det i vil opleve med Louises Qi Gong er en "energi træning" (i ordets oprindelige betydning), og kan også betegnes som en bevægelsesmeditation.
Louise Boye Manhart blev introduceret til Qi Gong i 2012 og fandt instruktøruddannelsen hos Torben Rif, som hun har taget uddannelse hos fra 2016-2022. Qi Gong er en væsentlig del af Louises hverdag, det det er en metode, der hjælper en med at finde indre ro, fokus, balance, styrke og et generelt sundt helbred.
Anders Kring
Comming …
Marius er uddannet terapeut og har især viden om sex og samliv. Nogle gange er han derfor temmelig voksen. Især når der er brug for det.
På andre tidspunkter kan du sikkert finde ham tumle rundt med et stort smil på både julelegepladsen og dansegulvet. Du skal dog vide at han krammer bedre end han danser. Faktisk opstår der ret ofte en kø til hans kram og lyttende ører.
Sandra Grundstoff is a passionate Gusmaster and household herbalist.
In her loving hands, you will experience a heart-opening saunagus with essential oils and special music carefully selected for the -theme.
In between rounds, you have the opportunity to treat your face and body with her homemade herbal scrub made from edible ingredients.
Sandra also teaches yoga since the 90s and creates Ecstatic Dance events as a DJ. She loves to combine wellness with depth.
❤️De kærligste hilsner:
Påsketeamet på Fyrregaarden
Sussi, Lisa, Martin, Nicolai, Nicolaj, Steffen, Chrell og Trine